Introduction: Every year brings a range of new gaming releases and among them are always so-called sleeper hits. These are gaming titles that many from the wider gaming audience initially miss but which slowly build their following and then turn into massive video games. 2025 seems like a year that will have a range of…
Tag: nintendo

Biggest Moments in Gaming Coming in 2025
Introduction: For the most part, 2024 has been a challenging year for the video game industry – the same applies to both the businesses and the consumers in this entertainment space. The coming year has raised many hopes about the reversal of those trends. Furthermore, several big moments in the next 12 months should be…

The Best 2024 Video Games in Every Genre
Over the years, the video game market has seen huge expansion. A few decades ago, you could reasonably play every new game released in a year with enough time left over for old favorites, but that’s just not the case anymore. On Steam alone, nearly 19,000 games were released this year, but it’s safe to…

Analogue 3D Console Promises to bring back N64 Games in 4K
Introduction: The market for vintage gaming experiences is a niche space in the video game industry, but also one that can be extremely lucrative. Analogue is a company working in this very space and it has recently announced that its latest product will take on the gaming library of Nintendo 64, one of the most…

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Opens up the Next Chapter in the Famous Series
Introduction: From the moment The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom was announced by Nintendo, the game attracted a lot of interest from both the wider gaming public and the fans of the famous series. Although the game made some interesting and even risky decisions, it managed to combine them all into a very wholesome…

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Might Be the Best COD in Years
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is easily one of the most anticipated games of the year, fueled in part by a hefty marketing campaign. After the acquisition of Activision/Blizzard by Microsoft, no expense has been spared in the advertising for Black Ops 6, drumming up more hype than most other COD titles in recent…

The Top 10 Horror Video Games of All Time
Much like horror movies, spooky video games rarely get the acclaim that they deserve. Horror games are often immersive, disturbing, and grant a boatload of gory fun. With the autumn season coming up, there’s no better time to turn off the lights and boot up an excellent horror video game, so we’ve whipped up a…

Disney x Fortnite Crossover Project is Growing
Introduction: The metaverse around Fortnite gaming and its financial ecosystem keeps expanding. The most recent massive addition to the same gaming space is the Disney company and the titbits of news coming from the developers are very positive. Article: Developing sustainable gaming projects is a tricky business on any level. Believing that these issues do…

Nintendo’s Iconic Handheld Turns 35: Celebrating the Best Game Boy Games
The Game Boy DMG (short for Dot Matrix Game) made its global debut on April 21, 1989, when the handheld was first released in Japan. Crafted by Gunpei Yokoi, Satoru Okada, and the brilliant developers at Nintendo R&D1, the Game Boy built on the success of the beloved Game & Watch line and was an…

Summer Showcases Reveal Major Gaming News
Over the past few weeks, the gaming world has been under an onslaught of news, due to the yearly collection of summer showcases. As industry titans like Microsoft, Sony, Ubisoft, and more offer presentations on the upcoming projects of 2024 and beyond, gamers can’t help but salivate at all the new content just on the…